Ep 008: Wendy Hendrickson about crossbows
I get to interview Wendy Hendrickson. Wendy and her husband Butch provided me with an entry to crossbow hunting.
Wendy and Butch are former guides and have been active in various charity hunts. Wendy and her husband Butch along with Keith Warren (www.highroadhunting.com) and his family appear before the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to get crossbows legally able to be used during archery season in Texas.
You can find a number of great hunting videos from Wendy on YouTube under HogHunterDiva. She has a number of cool videos including a night video using a cool product from The BowLite (https://youtu.be/nXovZYutuzI). This video shows a hog getting taken (https://youtu.be/IfYP-RvBd6Q).
You can contact Wendy via YouTube at HogHunterDiva, Facebook look for Wendy Hendrickson and also the Texas Crossbow Hunters Club(www.texascrossbowhuntersclub.com) and the Texas Crossbow Hunters Club on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Texas-Crossbow-Hunters-Club-201951233191297/?fref=ts) Wendy ranks number 2 in the world for a Warthog taken with a crossbow and her husband butch ranks 9th.